Class Type: Private Tutor
31-40 Years
Ex / Current MOE Teacher
11-20 Years
Not Applicable
Chemistry and Physics Specialist
10 years of teaching experience in MOE schools and 17 years of tutoring experience. Track record of 15-20% improvement, 90% of my students scored As and Bs.
Upper Secondary
Online (Science), Sci (Phy/Chem), Sci (Phy), Sci (Chem), Physics, Chemistry
Lessons will be packed with engaging activities and hands-on activities to enhance students' learning within a small class setting to maximise learning. All lesson materials are carefully created to align with latest MOE syllabus. Quality assured.
Pure Chemistry / Pure Physics [2 hours session] $350 for 4 lessons Science (Physics) / Science (Chemistry) [1.5 hours session] $280 for 4 lessons Science (Physics) and Science (Chemistry) [1.5 + 1.5 hours back-to-back session] $520 for 8 lessons
Free trial lessons (online) and one-to-one consultations available. Masterclasses during holidays with concise notes and practices. Head start classes available during December holidays.
Sci (Phy/Chem)
Sec 3 Exp / NA
For Sci (Phy/Chem) students from Exp and NA stream with 15 minutes break between lesson. Hands-on activities included!
Sec 3 Express
Sec 3 Pure Physics class with quality lesson materials aligned to MOE syllabus. Hands-on activities included!
Sci (Chem)
For Sci (Phy/Chem) students from Exp and NA stream. Hands-on activities included!
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