Class Type: Private Tutor
41-50 Years
Ex / Current MOE Teacher
11-20 Years
Ex JC HOD. Very experience in JC Math
Success Formula - The teacher prides himself in providing the most efficient way in problem solving - Able to provide coherent and concise explanation of even the most complex topics
Try with confidence before commitment. Very experience tutor.
Success Formula - The teacher prides himself in providing the most efficient way in problem solving - Able to provide coherent and concise explanation of even the most complex problems
Trial Lesson is free if a student does not continue after trial. Trial lesson is considered as lesson 1 if std likes and wants to continue. Each std can miss up to 2 lessons per term of 3 months
Customise a tuition class specially for your school with min, 3-4 students to achieve a more targeted tuition outcome! Gradual Timed-Practice papers will be provided to prepare the students for National Exams
Above 100
JC 1
Thursday 6-8pm
Lots of materials will be provided by the teacher.
JC 2
Wednesday 6-8pm
Lots of materials will be provided by the teacher. Revision for JC1 topic too like Vectors and Integration
Sunday 12 - 2pm
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